For Seif Al-Islam Gaddafi, Libya "is on the brink of civil war"

For Seif Al-Islam Gaddafi, Libya "is on the brink of civil war"
Libya, Benghazi after the country's second city, the capital wins the challenge Tripoli. Eyewitnesses reported scenes of insurrection and gunfire in several districts of the Libyan capital on February 20. In a televised address Sunday night, Saif al-Islam, a son of Muammar Gaddafi said his country "is on the brink of civil war," the victim of a foreign plot to destabilize it. The final toll of the clashes, given by an international NGO, is at least 233 deaths since the start of the protest on February 15.
Saif al-Islam Gaddafi has been involved in the night in the Libyan state television to explain that his country was "on the brink of civil war," the victim of a foreign plot to destabilize the country and transform the Republic Islamist.
While stating that the balance of clashes given by the foreign media were greatly exaggerated, he cited several times the figure of 84 deaths since the start of the riots, there is less than a week. And he implicitly acknowledged that the situation was now out of control in several cities. Tanks roam the streets of Benghazi led by civilians, he said, without forgetting to promise reforms subsequently once the income would be quiet.
The son of Libyan Leader of the Revolution who also claims that his father, "leading the battle in Tripoli" and will fight to the end. A manner likely to attempt to silence the rumors that swelled throughout the evening, rumors that Colonel Gaddafi had fled the country last night.

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