Libya: UN calls for a cease-fire and a negotiated solution

Libya: UN calls for a cease-fire and a negotiated solution
Following the international conference on conflict Libya in Cairo, Secretary General of UN, Ban Ki-moon has called on warring parties to a cease-fire and has called for a political solution. "We call for a political settlement process for the Libyan people can realize their aspirations," said the secretary
The international conference aimed at seeking solutions to overcome the Libyan crisis, took place Thursday at the headquarters of the Arab League (AL) in Cairo. It brought together representatives of the ATA, the UN, the Organization of Islamic Conference, African Union and the EU.
Launched in mid-February, protesting against the Libyan regime of Colonel Gaddafi, in power for 42 years , has degenerated into armed confrontation between government troops and rebels, causing thousands of casualties and hundreds of thousands of refugees. International humanitarian agencies have built cities home for refugees in Tunisia and Egypt . The international military operation against the Libyan regime has been ongoing since March 19 last.

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